Purchase Order

Purchase order is maintain when you want to purchase raw material inventory from vendor. Some time company purchase goods with out preparing purchase order, so you should not need to record purchase order you will directly apply purchase item with amount and unit price in purchase receipts.

NOTE: If you already does not maintain account payable account before starting this process then first maintain account payable account from Chart of accounts.
We done this process step wise

Step 1:
First you will click on task option from menu bar and select purchase order. A window will appear which mention below

Step 2:
Select or maintain vendor:
When window appear you first select customer or maintain new customer from vendor ID. If customer does not exist already then you need to prepare vendor first from maintaining vendor account window you can open this window with different method some mention below

·         First double click on vendor ID box
·         OR when cursor in Vendor ID box by pressing Enter key.

Step 3:
After selection of particular vendor knows you will select the date from related box. Remember you will write the date on which you prepare purchase order.

Step 4:
Address and purchase order number:
In this step you will type the vendor address and mention purchase order number.

Step 5:
Here you will change the discount term which you settle with particular vendor example of term is mention in picture,

Step 6:
Record date:
Here in this step you will record date related to purchases in Quantity, item, description and unit price etc.
After entering date you need to save the purchase order from save option or by pressing (Alt + S) keys to save.

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