Purchases/ receipts inventory

When company received inventories then you need to record purchase receipts. Note purchase goods directly or through maintaining purchase order. If company directly purchases then you will use ‘apply to purchase’ tab and if company purchase though purchase order then you will use ‘apply to purchase order’ tab.
Step 1:
First you will click on task option from menu bar and select purchase/receipts inventory. A window will appear which mention below

Step 2:
Select or maintain vendor:
When window appear you first select customer or maintain new customer from vendor ID. If customer does not exist already then you need to prepare vendor first from maintaining vendor account window you can open this window with different method some mention below
·        First double click on vendor ID box
·        OR when cursor in Vendor ID box by pressing Enter key.

1.      Apply to purchase order Tab:
When you select the already customer and type particular purchase order no. then Apply to sale tab will automatically edited.

First you need to select purcahse order number from the PO option.

Record Items:
After edited this tab you will write the amount of receipts goods in receipts option.Goods may receipt according to purchase order tab or more from it, In this case these changing apply on other tab name as ‘Apply to purchase Tab’.

2.      Apply to purchases Tab:
In this tab you will record those receipts which receive other then purcahse order. For example your company issue purchase order on start on the month after this it purchase good on urgently bases with out issueing purchase order, In this case you will need to use this tab.

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