Important Legal Documents

General power of attorney is a document which is write when a person agree to transfer all his rights or authority of property to other person. It is just like a blank cheque in which giver of this document did not specify any terms and conditions.
Elements of GPOA:
·        Write on 1000 Rs stamp paper.
·        It is sign , dated by giver  and taker of authority of  GPOA.
·        The place of sign must be mentioned(Because the law of jurisdiction).
·        It has to be noted by Notary Public.
·        It has two witnesses.

Specific power of attorney is a type of legal document in which giver specify his authority while giving to other person.
Elements Of SPOA:
·        Written on Rs 500 stamp paper.
·        It is for a specific cause only which is well defined and cleared.
·        Job and  time specific.
·        It is strongly recommended that duplicate power of attorney sign by both parties.

Irrevocable power of attorney is just like GPOSA and it can not be cancel.

Wakalat Nama:

It is letter which is given by client to lawyer so that he or she represent the case, legal issue  of client in court. It is important to ensure that  is completely fill out and accepted by lawyer . It should be explicitly agreed term and conditions.
Note: One wakalat nama for one case only and it nature is like SPOA.


It is a legal formal notice of information to the respondent so that he can reply to case instituted by complain tent.
·        Simple notice
·        Registered post
·        Registered ad
·        Carrier
·        Past on wall 
-   Announcement

Difference between Notary Public and Oath commissioner:

Both are professional licence holder but oath commissioner only sign and test affidavit. Notary public can sign and test all documents except affidavit.

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