Benefits of wudu

The Prophet (PBUH) of mankind, the peace of our heart and mind, the most generous and kind has narrated, “Those loving each other for the sake of Allah when meet and shake hands and recite Durud Sharif upon the Holy Prophet   their preceding and succeeding sins are forgiven before they go apart.”
(Musnad Abi Ya’la, pp. 95, vol. 3,  adiš 2951)

this article is about Ablution (Wudu)  and its role in healthy life. 

Embracing Islam by Virtue of Wu du (Ablution)

A person states that he offered Islam to a university student in Belgium.The student asked him scientific benefits of WuFu. He could not answer. He carried him to a religious scholar but he also had no knowledge about it. Another person possessing scientific information told him several benefits of WuFu but he also could not tell benefit of Mas (moistening) of neck. That student went back. After sometime he came and informed that his professor informed during the lecture, “If a few
drops of water are sprinkled on neck and its surroundings, protection is obtained against the diseases of vertebral column and spinal cord.” Hearing that he said, “I grasped the blessing hidden in moistening of neck, hence I want to embrace Islam” and he became Muslim.

Doctor says

The problem of depression is growing in the western countries, brain failures are being reported and more mental asylums are being established. Long queues of psychiatric patients may be seen before
Psychiatrists. A Pakistani physiotherapist who holds a diploma from Western Germany states that a seminar on the topic “What cures other than medicines are possible for depression” was held in Western Germany. One of the doctors revealed an amazing discovery in his speech by saying, “I get washed the face of patients of depression five times per day and after few days their disease reduced. Then I get washed face, hands and feet of a similar group of patients five times a day and they healed up to a great extent.” The same doctor accepts in the end of his speech that the problem of depression is short in Muslims as they wash face, hands and feet (i.e. during WuFu) several times daily.

Wudu(ablution) and High Blood Pressure

A heart specialist assures that if a patient of hypertension is asked to perform WuFu and then his blood pressure is checked, his B.P. will be definitely lower. A Muslim Psychiatrist states, “The best cure for psychiatric patients lies in WuFu.” The western experts get washed body parts of psychiatric patients several times like WuFu.

Wud u(ablution) and Paralysis

Even the order of washing organs during WuFu is beneficial. Washing of hands in the first step motivates the nervous system of the body and then slowly effects transmit towards veins of face and brain. The order of washing hands, then mouth-wash, then nose-wash and then washing of remaining organs reduces probability of paralysis. If face washing and Mas are done first, the body may suffer several diseases.

The One Who Values Miswak

Dear Islamic brothers! There are many Sunan in WuFu and each Sunnah is a source of blessings. As an example consider Miswak. Even children know that use of Miswak in WuFu is Sunnah and see what a lot of benefits are associated with this Sunnah! A businessman says, “I met a newly Muslim in Switzerland and I gifted him a Miswak. He became happy. He kissed the Miswak and then touched it with his eyes. Tears welled up from his eyes. He took a handkerchief out of his pocket, unfolded it, and took out a tiny Miswak, which was approximately two inches in length. He said that when he had embraced Islam, he was given that as a gift; he was using it with great care and then it was
nearly finished making him anxious.

Allah had blessed him to have a gift of Miswak from him. Then he added that he had a persisting infection in his teeth and gums. The dentists had no cure for it. He started to use the Miswak and after a few days, he felt better. He went to see the doctor who was very surprised to see that he was cured. The doctor said that he could not be cured in such a short period of time with the medicine he had prescribed. Just recall carefully what he had used. He pondered and recalled that he had become a Muslim and had recently started to use the Miswak. Due to use of the Miswak, he was blessed and healed. When he showed the Miswak to the doctor, he was stunned.

Do you know ? How to use Miswak

Benefits of Rinsing the Mouth

First of all hands are washed in WuFu. Thus hands become clear from germs; otherwise these germs would have entered our mouth during mouth rinsing and would have reached stomach thereby causing several infections. A lot of hazardous germs accompanied with air and the constituents of food stuck in our mouth and on teeth via saliva. Hence rinsing of mouth and doing Miswak in WuFu clean the mouth thoroughly. If mouth is not cleaned, following diseases may break out.

  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) – one of its initial symptoms include the swelling of the mouth.
  • Tearing of the periphery of mouth
  • Moniliasis of the mouth and lips
  • Rotting and blistering of mouth

If the person is not in fasting, it is Sunnah to gargle the throat. One who gargles regularly will not suffer from tonsillitis and he will be saved from several types of throat infections including throat

Benefits of Sniffing Water into the Nose

The lungs need air, free from germs, smoke and dust, having about 80% humidity and a temperature slightly greater than 90°F. To provide this quality of air, Allah has bestowed the bounty of nose. To
humidify the air, nose produces about one-fourth gallon of moisture. Hairs inside the nose act as dust catchers. There is a microscopic scrubber that has invisible bristles. These bristles kill the germs coming with the air. In addition, these bristles also perform a protective feature called Lysozyme. With this, nose protects eyes from infection.

one who performs WuFu rinses his nose with water and thus this important organ (nose) get serviced. The electric properties of water fortify the ability of bristles and thus a Muslim is saved from several
complex diseases of nose by virtue of WuFu. The rinsing of nose is very beneficial for the patients of persisting flu and having wounds in nose.

Benefits of Washing the Face

Nowadays pollution level of smoke etc. is increasing in atmosphere. Different chemicals, lead etc. keep on depositing on eyes and face. If face is not washed, face and eyes would suffer several diseases. An English doctor wrote a paper on the topic “Eye, Water and Health.” In that paper he said giving stress, “Keep washing your eyes several times daily; otherwise you would face dangerous diseases.” Washing of face prevents or minimize mars on face. The expert beauticians have consensus on the fact that all types of creams and lotions leave spots on face. To make face beautiful, it is necessary to wash it several times. Beychar, a senior member of ‘American Council for Beauty’, reveals, “Muslims do not need any chemical lotion as their face is protected against diseases due to being washed during Wudu.” The experts of environmental protection say, “To prevent face allergy, wash it frequently.”
This is only possible during Wudu. by washing face during Wudu, the face is massaged, the blood circulation improves towards the face, dirt is removed and its beauty becomes two fold.

Protection from Blindness

Dear Islamic brothers! I bring to your attention towards such a disease in which the genuine secretions of the eyes reduce or finish completely and the patient eventually becomes blind. According to medical reports, if eyebrows are washed occasionally, this disease may be prevented.
One who performs WuFu and washes his face, his eyebrows are also washed. Those lucky Muslims who have adorned their faces with the beautiful beard should listen carefully what Professor George
Ail states, “When one washes the face, the germs present in the beard wash away. The roots of the hair become stronger when water wets them. On fingering (by the blessing of acting on Sunnah of Khilal in the beard) in the beard the risk of lice reduces. In addition, presence of wetness in the beard saves from diseases related to muscles of neck, thyroid glands and throat.

Benefits of Washing the Arms

There are three major veins in the elbow that are linked to heart, liver and brain. This organ usually remains covered. If water or air is not allowed to interact with elbows, several mental and neurological complications may arise. In WuFu, arms including elbows are washed and this act fortifies heart, liver and brain and safety against these diseases is obtained. Moreover this washing links a person with the radiations stored in the chest and halo of radiations starts to flow and results in strengthening of the muscles of hands.

The Benefits of Doing Mas (Moistening)

There is a major artery between head and the neck which links vertebral
column, spinal cord and all body joints. When a person performs Mas  
of the neck during WuFu, the electric radiation emitting from hand 
enters the major artery and from there, transmits to all sections of 
neurological system via vertebral column and the neurological system 
is fortified.

Benefits of Washing the Feet

Feet undergo dirtiness at most. Infection first starts from the gap between fingers of foot. Washing feet during WuFu removes away dirt and germs. Remaining germs are removed when Khilal between fingers is done. Washing feet in WuFu according to Sunnah removes diseases like sleep shortness, dryness of brain, heart sinking and depression.

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