What is ‘existence’?

We exist because we are aware of our existence. We are also aware of the existence of the universe, animals, plants, objects and the rest of what we can see around us or are aware of. No doubt there is tremendous difference between the different types of beings in this world. An object, a plant, an animal and a human being are very different. There is however one thing in common between all of them, that is, they all ‘exist’. The Question is what some of the main features or possible features of ‘existence’ are.

Qur’an answers1: The Qur’an in 2:117 and 16:40 (and many other verses) implies that there is ‘non-existence’ versus ‘existence’. In other words, there was a situation where things that currently exist , did not exist. Also in 35:15 and 28:88 the Qur’an categorizes existence into two types, an existence that is limited, dependent and in its way to being perished and the existence that is limitless, independent and never perishing.

There are three important points that need to be appreciated at this stage:
First: the fact that we are surrounded by ‘existing things’ should not blur our vision to deny the possibility of ‘nonexistence’ (which is different from existing in another form). We can certainly say that a horse which is bigger than the  Eiffel Tower and can fly does NOT exist. This easily proves that we can appreciate the concept of ‘non-existence’ and that there are ‘things’ that can be categorized as ‘non-existing’ in the real world although they may exist in our imagination.

Second: what we see around us are all limited and dependent beings. We can clearly see and are aware that things are depending on each other and if what they are dependent on does not support them, they will perish and cease to exist or at least they will cease to exist in the form that they used to be.

Third: the above does not negate the ‘possibility’ that there ‘can’ be a being that depends on nothing; a being that everything else is dependent on, and has always existed and never perishes. Note that at this stage, we are not discussing whether such a being really exists. We are only making the point that it is possible to have such a being.

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