What is Allah?

Mr. B argues that there are angels walking around us every day. Mr. C argues that this is not
possible, because angels do not even need to walk! Mr. B answers that to him every mother is an
angel. Obviously, with this definition of angels, as put forward by Mr. B, the whole argument about
angels walking around us or not will find a different shape. What Mr. B meant by ‘angel’ was very
different with what Mr. C had in mind.
One of the mistakes that believers in Allah often do, is that they jump into proving Allah with atheists
before first defining what they mean by Allah. We need to appreciate that there are numerous
religions out there and that their understanding of what Allah is, is not necessarily the same. How can
we prove a concept when we have not yet clarified what we mean by it?

So if you agree that it is important to define what we mean by Allah before trying to prove it, then
how do you define Allah? There are many ways to define Allah and I am not after finding a robust and an academically correct definition here. I am only trying to think about those features of Allah that are unique to Him and will help us through the rest of our search for the truth.

Accordingly, I want to use two words for Allah:
- Limitless
- Independent

The above two are in fact interrelated; I mean if one is limitless then one is also independent. Since
the Allah that I know is limitless and independent,  Well, of course any one can ask me that, but it would be a question based on a wrong assumption, that is, the assumption that my Allah too has some of the limited attributes of other limited beings. Well, the Allah that I am arguing for, is limitless and
therefore the question of who created Him is irrelevant. Allah as I define it (learning from the Qur’an) was always there, even when there was no dimension of time (and you see how limited is the human language: ‘when’ there ‘was’ no dimension of time!).
Now that I have defined what I mean by Allah, I will argue that not only He exists but that in fact His
existence is logically necessary

Provided by IN SEARCH OF THE TRUTH (IST) Volume 1 - Foundations (Version 1, March 2012)
Abdullah Rahim Understanding – Islam UK

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