Preparing Sale order-Peachtree software

When our customer decides to purchase our product he /she give us order in form of sale order and we have to ensure availability of product on the date which mentioned in sale order.

First click on the task icon a menu will open when you cursor on the quotation and sale order a subordinate menu will open here you select sale orders.. .

 A window will open which is shown below.

Customer ID:
Here you will select our customer if you want to add new customer then several methods given below you can choose one of them
1)      First you may press (+) sign button to open maintaining customer window.
2)      Secondly you may left click 2 times to open this window.
Window which will appear is mentioned below.


Note: If you want to see our previous recorded customer then you press ( ) button or press (Shift+?).

Sale Order Number:
Here in this box you will write sale order number.
Here you will write both dates
1)      Receiving date of sale order
2)      Ship by date or date on which order id place.
Customer Purchase order number:
Here you will type purchase order number which you may recorded earlier.

Here you will enter the item which you want to sale to current or prospect customer. For example assemble item such as computer etc.
Some extra information related to item which is selected is written in this box.

When all activity is done and all require boxes is fill up you will press save button to save sale order.

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